Monday, August 3, 2009

When'll we finally intertwine?

Many unhappy stuff happened recently, shall not say it here. UT3 coming up in less than 3 weeks, should start studying but i'm so shagged.

Bros, though i just got to know you all but i really hope nothing will happen to you all. Shawn, i can see you're a great friend, you really do care for your friends from the bottom of the heart. Although you always call me Rat and i feel like giving you one tight slap, seriously i hope you'll be fine. As for Jenson and the rest, hope you'll all get a lighter sentence. I'll definitely miss all of you if you all are going in, but hopefully God, you all are not.

I've got the "engagement ring", but time isn't on my side, confidence and guts aren't, hopefully you are..

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