But, i'm really lazy to update what's going on for the past few weeks, all i could say is i found a job! But a job with no basic pay, full-commissioned -.- Nvm, try my luck and gain some experience along the way (:
Went to Pulau Ubin last Saturday with Bee, Alex, ALan, Shannon and Phil. Went cycling around the island, was quite fun but damn tiring. The scenery there, man it's awesome. The trees, the flowers, the animals. Hahaha. Saw a cobra along the way too. Was hoping to see wild boars but didn't manage to. It started raining on and off but eventually the weather became quite okay.
Went to work again ytd, around Tampines block 742. Starhub CableTV door to door promoter, seems quite easy but the preaching is damn difficult because i have no experience in psychoing ppl at all. Lol. But ah, some customers damn guailan, some damn cute, some damn retarded. I shall start with the guailan one first.
It was the first day of work(orientation and training actually). One senior brought me along to see how preaching is done. We went to knock on one particular door in an HDB flat around Tampines. No answer. Rings bell. No answer. Knocks again. Then, when we decided to leave for another unit, an old man shouts 'WHAT', then before we could finish our sentence saying "Hi, we're from StarHub.", he slams the damn door at us. Ass! Think he was halfway through making love. LOL.
Cute and retarded ones, met them ytd. One uncle damn cute, i ring bell, he open door very slowly, i see his face i wnna laugh alrdy. his specs like hanging halfway his nose, then he look at me with a very blur expression saying "Huh, what you want" in a very low voice. Before i could finish saying "Hi i'm from StarHub.", i started giggling. When he "Huh" me i "huh" him back. Damn funny ah the situation. Lolol. Oh and, there was two units, scary ah, kena splash paint. Lol.
Forgot to post pics for CSS the other day, here's two. Lol.
Alright, update another day.
And Happy Belated Birthday TGX!
Bro, you're 18 alrdy. Start behaving like one la. Lol. Better get serious in life especially when school starts. Don't fool around anymore. Wish you all the best whereever you go, and don't forget me. Haha.
Dude, your actions really irks me. Please, don't go around begging for people whom aren't even close to you in the first place for the trust. Whoever trusts you is literally an idiot. Stop going around playing with girls' feelings, or flirting them when you have a GODDAMN GIRLFRIEND. Dog.
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